Hiya folks... Its about time again to write something, my memory aint what it should ;)
I've really been working with finding, hunting etc etc the really bad behaving fucks in the crew.. Crew killers and such, we're cleaning up...
So dont worry if you got kicked from crew.. It's just a few fuckers we're looking for but they hide behind fake names, hiding social club name and so on.. We haven't found out any other way than do our detective investigations and demote members to get a hold of them answering..
You cant hide your gta online gamertag for us.. You have to show us, change your privacy settings for crew & friends...
Well, short information but at least then you know something about whats going on and why...
More info will come but untill further notice i will kick many to make sure, but all good guys will get back in and get everything back as it should be... We might loose quite some world rankings on this ( 10.452 at the momement with 530 KOBIs ) but i dont care...
Stupid fucks that says "calm down, take a chill pill becuase its only a game..." --- WE DONT WANT YOU !!