Hey and Ho folks...
I'm so pleased to say we're climbing fast on the world rankings! Check this one out and follow our races, further information within -> https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/kortedala_birds/gtav
Thats about it for today.. I'll try to type some shit every now and then ;)
HAPPY IS : That i'm getting help online tonight becuase there is a way for crew leaders to kick people from the crew from GTA Online so i'm CLEANING UP TONIGHT ;)
Special greetings goes out to (maybe some spelling problems on gamertag, but you know who you are) : Mathew (Martin) Graham , SniffyPluto, Amyyetee ;) , Zuma King , PolygonZero and all others i'm forgetting in this moment i finally find the computer...
But i'm very satisfied with our sessions, few but funny and we're growing and so is the fun during sessions (y)