Friday 28 March

28/03/2014 15:21

Hey and Ho folks...

I'm so pleased to say we're climbing fast on the world rankings! Check this one out and follow our races, further information within ->

Thats about it for today.. I'll try to type some shit every now and then ;)

HAPPY IS : That i'm getting help online tonight becuase there is a way for crew leaders to kick people from the crew from GTA Online so i'm CLEANING UP TONIGHT ;)

Special greetings goes out to (maybe some spelling problems on gamertag, but you know who you are) :  Mathew (Martin) Graham , SniffyPluto, Amyyetee ;) , Zuma King , PolygonZero and all others i'm forgetting in this moment i finally find the computer...

But i'm very satisfied with our sessions, few but funny and we're growing and so is the fun during sessions (y)


KOBI Crew Leader KOBI Crew LeadR in GTA Online
KOBICrewLeadR on Social Club