Cleaning up day today..

11/04/2014 09:35

Hi there guys and gals...

Thanks for beeing such good/crazy/funny etc etc crew members, people ;)

I've got a lot of help in crew, and i suck at namedropping but you know who you are.. And i'm very thankfull for that :) And now i'm back in buisness kicking bad behaving crew members, and making sure of some crew members beeing reported not beeing in crew...

What i'll do is that i first of all is to kick all members in muscle.. Muscle people is new in KOBI since Jan-Feb this year and they're changing rapidly between crews.. So if i happend to kick some of you guys that i shouldn't, i'm TERRIBLY SORRY in advance.. I just got to get rid of the misbehaving crew members (at least give it a really good try..) and this is the only first way i know since R* dont give us the right tools, haven't yet..

So all of you guys (hope it's not THAT many ;) ) that i by mistake kick out of crew.. DONT WORRY because you'll get your old rank and RP back as soon as you re-aply for crew...

That way i hope we really can sort out the worst assholes in crew since some of them get re-invited by some guys having friends in crew...

So... Over and out... I'll be online most of the day but maybe not mic all time so msg me then..




KOBI Crew Leader KOBI Crew LeadR in GTA Online
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