So this isn't a april fools joke but i'm actually going away for some days and wont be online...
I'm very pleased to see your engagement (spelling?) in GTA Online, all categories! Live partys, crazy freemodes and everything is just looking the way i wish.. We got some crew killing members still in crew but i'm working on it, there are some ideas and stuff going on but waiting for more..
One idea is to go back to the "keep KOBI as active crew to stay in" kind of rule.. We got right now:
- 813 Members ( 1st of April, total count )
- 12 Commissioners ( Crew members with some more powers, i missed some here..)
- 92 Lieutenants ( Members doing great job in crew noticeable on World Rankings..)
- 434 Representatives ( Members keeping KOBI as active and haven't reached promotes yet..)
- 274 Muscle ( Haven't decided yet or something but dont use KOBI as active)
So i'm not sure what to do right now.. But i'm having some thoughts.. If you wanna get the rank you deserve, you should put your name or something in the guestbook or contact me on socailclub but in anyway share your socialclub name.. If you're doing great job and i've missed promoting you is because i dont have your socailclub name if it isn't something in common with your gamertag, send it over because i like all you guys but memory fails me..
Long story short is that i can see on the stats that there is at least 45+ hits every day up to 150+ so someone got to be reading ;)
Leave a stamp, place something here so i "see you" ;)
Anyways, going away for a couple of days now so see you lovely people engaging in KOBI and just beeing cool epic folks! :)
KOBICrewLeadR on Social Club
https://www.facebook.com/karl.svanberg.71 pappasvan@hotmail.com