
Rank up the Crew

BlackMambaORG 01/04/2014
As the best racers and team deathmatchers of our crew reunite and come together and we race and play team deathmatches we could rank up very fast as a crew in world ranking........
If interested send me a message @ BlackMambaORG
United we rule .......
Let's kick some asses ;-)

Re: Rank up the Crew

Pressure Drop 01/04/2014
i need to win a rally race too to unlock the metal paints : >

Playing together.

PolygonZero 31/03/2014
Just a quick thought I had. I often see alot of KOBI's online.
So, if you are not already in a party with friends. Try to join crew members and get together. We are a crew, so lets have fun and get to know each other by joining sessions.
Race, do missions or just create chaos!

I hope you guys understand what im trying to say.


Re: Playing together.

KOBI Crew LeadR ( Karl Svanberg ) 01/04/2014
I like what i see and what i experience during the freemodes more and more guys/gals ;)

I'm having a thought/hope that we might correspond with eachother outide GTA also.. At least share information about upcoming events, crazy freemodes etc and arrange "dates"..


You guys are so gr8!

KOBI Crew LeadR ( Karl Svanberg ) 21/03/2014
Thanks for beeing, there and everywhere :)

And especially you Sandking lovers ;)


KOBI Crew LeadR ( Karl Svanberg ) 17/03/2014
Come to closed crew sessions.. Use mic? Or at least listen to us and maybe get a thing or two about KOBI ;)

If you're in KOBI, get yourself a Sandking.. Made for offroad = Dont lower it too much, dont put things on front bumper, no fuel tanks etc...

Keep up the good work, try to type so in here... Looking for respone ;)

I'm playing all day today! :) Pacific time 2:00pm to PT 2:00am

ad112912 01/03/2014
Let's be good to eachother now, shall we?
Come play! Add me on Xbox, GT- ad112912
See you there!


ad112912 01/03/2014
Now, for personal reasons, and to keep everyone happy, I highly suggest using just GamerTags as our names on all of the sites/Social Networks the crew is in contact on.
Also to not confuse anyone. And to make it easier to add and befriend each other in-game!
Have a great night (I live on the west coast of the US) and keep it KOBI only!

-Crew Lieutenant.


WidowedIowa 25/02/2014
Awesome work with the management of this crew! I only can said that KOBI is going to the top for your great work leader!

Re: Thanks

ad112912 01/03/2014
You rock too! Keep up reading and commenting, we love to hear what you think!

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KOBI Crew Leader KOBI Crew LeadR in GTA Online
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