Welcome to KOBI
Some old info, some new.. Will fix this site today (22'nd November) and just maybe we could use this as a community ;) Soo, have patience during the day...
This is and should be, could be a site about me, us and the crew...
I started KOBI 1st of October 2013 and the idea was to keep family members and some friends in same crew to help eachother out.. Then things started to grow and i stumbled upon some cool people joining the crew and some others even joined without me knowing about it.. Things was rolling pretty alright and suddenly we reached the limit of 300 but i noticed not as many people from the start was playing as much as earlier... Anyway R* suddenly changed all plans about the limit so 1k was set and a lot of invites was sent out to random people in sessions, races and everything got a recruitment tour, kind of.. So a there got a lot of people in the crew that isn't really ment to be here since they behave like **** through all sessions, crew killing and other not ok behaviour...
Most of them dont have the same name on socialclub as in Gta online so its a hard job finding them since its a couple of people to check..
So in a way i appologize (spelling? for the bad behaving KOBIs but i'm trying as much as i can to get a reach of them and kick them out.. But i need help with that so we could sort out the assholes and keep the good guys in.. We got a very good world ranking so pretty damn much worth it keeping it a bit more togehter and just having the fun we have in sessions, races and just everywhere ;)
One idea is to report the scumbags in guestbook as a suggestion? So thats the way it goes until further notice...
With all the letter combinations i got i'm trying my best to keep this as informal and easy to understand as possible since i want nice, Sandking lovers in my crew and just keep it together and have a fun time.. So i'm finishing up here and wish you good luck in finding the stuff you're looking for... If you got some time over for settings things up, having the knowledge about it and maybe got some sparetime over for me and this site, crew? Send me a @mail to pappasvan@hotmail.com with your gamertag, socialclub name or anything else to let me contact you in Gta online...
Over and out
KOBICrewLeadR on Social Club
https://www.facebook.com/karl.svanberg.71 pappasva